
March 01,2022


It has been medically known that good sleep, nutritious food, good surroundings and ample sunlight indeed help our brain to function better. With the latest need to work from home has rendered many professionals into permanent exhaustion and dissatisfaction from quality of personal life.

This could be resolved by this very exciting concept of workation. Work and vacation might sound counter productive but it works wonders for our mind and body. Work from home has given us the opportunity to work remotely from anywhere. So, picking up your gadgets and finding a beautiful location to work from for a week or two is the perfect escape from this stagnancy that work from home has created for us.

You can now go to any place that your heart desires without the prolonged worry of reaching the office at 9 am sharp the next day. All you need to do is keep your laptops handy and you are good to go. Getting up every day and sitting in the same room and gazing at the laptop screen for almost an entire day would drive any sane person crazy, it would lower our concentration level to an appreciable extent because boredom can cause mental damage more than what we can think and who would want to sacrifice their potential in this competitive world where we struggle to get better each day

Being holed up in the same place for months has drained a lot of us and we tend to lack motivation. A change of environment takes us out of the pit of mundanity that comes along a constant. New scenario, different aesthetics help us innovate and we all know that we don’t need a reason to go on a vacation!

So, engage yourself in a workation and find a beautiful place to chill and work from because if you HAVE to work, then why not work at a place that feels like a vacation?

Plan a great stay in mountains, beaches, whatever floats your boat!