
March 01,2022


Despite the vast growth that our society and our parents have witnessed, we still decide what’s right and what’s wrong on the basis of age-old notions that have been taught to us generation after generation. Being in love itself is frowned upon if you are not married to them let alone living with them.

The concept is considered foreign and disgusting and even a discussion about it is frowned upon. Not to blame them entirely, our society and its thought process has come a long but there are miles to go ahead.

Live-in sounds crude and vulgar to most Indian parents because they believe that it’s a way to enjoy the perks of marriage without having to take on the responsibilities of it. Looking at it rationally, they did get the point but the perspective is twisted. What’s better than having to ease into the responsibilities of marriage via live-in relationships?

Understanding that making a marriage work needs more than love is very important. You could be madly in love with a person and not be compatible with them as a life partner. To understand this, live-in plays a very important role. It’s the solution to all those unhappy marriages that a lot of us saw growing up. It enables us to understand what we really need out of a marriage and if this person is exactly that. We are free of answering to our responsibilities that come with marrying into a family.

A country that fought for so long to be free and very proudly celebrates Independence Day every year, we sure do shackle ourselves with norms and conditions that rob us of our freedom. We blame narrow-mindedness on culture whereas culture is made when change happens. Sati was once a cultural practice. If keeping culture alive was indeed the issue, then a lot more would have prevailed.

We have seen that due to this social stigma, proprietors of the flat who are looking for tenant object and deny clients looking for a couple-friendly environment or they look down upon them and this causes client harassment and causes clients to sneak in their girlfriend without the owners knowing it and if they the owner comes to know then that is a different struggle altogether.

Hence, we at Ivy Nest apartments have taken the step of creating beautiful and accepting environment for couples looking to stay in.