
March 05,2022


Kolkata! finding words to express and narrate the story of it all is difficult. Kolkata is like that one old lady, we all adore, like our grandma, retro but gorgeous. Its so warm with just love and immense culture in every nook and corner. The white and blue paint on its road partition is like a gajra she adorns in her thick hair. The yellow taxis like kajal in her old but wise eyes. Lanes like her lifetime of experience, full of stories and art. Kolkata is like a warm hug on a cold winter morning. Kolkata is a city of different tastes and you will find music, food, culture, dance and literature, and sports almost everywhere. You will find a tram lazily moving through the busy traffic and you can hop into one of those and watch the city pass by your little window. On a clear night, you can watch the beautifully lit Howrah Bridge standing over the city. In the evenings you can sit down with your friends in the Maidan and enjoy the openness and on rainy days you could visit the coffee house and enjoy an evening with your loved ones. Kolkata is most special during the Durga puja and you can feel the energy of the city bursting all out together. There are lights, food and music throughout the city and you will never feel tired on those days. You can visit KUMARTULI and you will see mud sculptures being turned into beautiful gods and goddesses by the mortal hands. Kolkata is a city that has seen it all, growth, captivity, love, sorrow and what not. The beauty is indescribable and endless. Kolkata is a fairytale written in heaven.